Yakusoku no Neverland

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Alternativas: English: The Promised Neverland
Japanese: 約束のネバーランド
Autor: Demizu, Posuka
Modelo: Mangá
Volumes: 20
Capítulos: 181
Status: Finished
Publicar: 2016-08-01 to 2020-06-15
Serialização: Shounen Jump (Weekly)


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Alternativas: English: The Promised Neverland
Japanese: 約束のネバーランド
Autor: Demizu, Posuka
Modelo: Mangá
Volumes: 20
Capítulos: 181
Status: Finished
Publicar: 2016-08-01 to 2020-06-15
Serialização: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
111 Votos
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At Grace Field House, life couldn't be better for the orphans! Though they have no parents, together with the other kids and a kind "Mama" who cares for them, they form one big, happy family. No child is ever overlooked, especially since they are all adopted by the age of 12. Their daily lives involve rigorous tests, but afterwards, they are allowed to play outside.

There is only one rule they must obey: do not leave the orphanage. But one day, two top-scoring orphans, Emma and Norman, venture past the gate and unearth the harrowing secret behind their entire existence. Utilizing their quick-wittedness, the children must work together to somehow change their predetermined fate.

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Yakusoku no Neverland review
Mar 31, 2021
I will try and avoid spoilers as best I can. So let me start off by saying that this isn't going to be your typical MAL review with a strict list of pros and cons or an out of 10 score, instead, I will try to go more in depth and discuss the best way to read this manga. So with all that being said, what do I actually think of the manga? It's pretty good. Promised Neverland has great characters and altho at first, they may appear one dimensional, recently there has been great character development in the two main leads, one is realizing that thing aren't as simple as they thought and they sometimes have to make hard choices, in other words becoming less naive and the other is becoming less of an edgy teen and more of a guy who will do anything for all his brothers and sisters (not just his three closest friends) in other words he is starting to open up. However, despite the two main characters, there is little to no development (as of chapter 50) in the supporting cast, they are as bland as they were in the beginning, the main reason for that is all the world building and lore that takes up most of the recent chapters, which can be both a curse and a blessing. So given that this is a more dialog heavy manga and there isn't that much action (at least not to the extent of other shounen jump series) I would recommend that you binge read it, wait for a few more chapter to come out or wait till it finishes (altho who knows how long that would be). All in all, I highly recommend it it's a pretty good manga and it's even better if you binge it. Character development is great for the two main heroes but apart from that due to the recent chapters being more "lore heavy" the supporting characters haven't gotten much time in the spot light, however, I am hoping that will change in the next few chapters. The story is pretty good and the mystery keeps you guessing (you know it's a good show when the community goes crazy with fan theories). It's a great manga and it definitely deserves its spot in shounen jumps top ten.
Yakusoku no Neverland review
Mar 31, 2021
I began this story extremely impressed from the first arc and continued my enjoyment through the intriguing world-building of the story that followed. But what started as a story with the potential on par with shingeki no kyojin, ended up being one of the most mild and forgettable manga I've read.

STORY: 3/10
This was by far the most disappointing part of the manga. The setting for this set the scene of the story so dramatically, with the tense mystery of what was beyond the walls of the orphanage, but that fizzled out so suddenly after about 100 chapters. The arcs may have been long but in reality there were only three arcs in the entire manga, with small stories in between to connect them. The pacing of the first 100 chapters was spectacular and, not to mention, so entertaining! Honestly it's hard to even say what went wrong, but I think it was just the way that the mangaka handled the plot. Instead of revealing the mysteries and plot twists of the story, every chapter is either a predictable 'surprise' or a detailed explanation of any plot-holes that have yet to be filled. It's dull and there's really nothing to it, and moreover, it doesn’t have any of that psychological goodness from the first arc to make it interesting. But what really makes it so boring is the stakes. In the beginning, the tension was so high; these kids were heading towards impending doom and they had a deadline before one of them was out of the game. And I really cared about the main trio, so of course the stakes were high, and that tension came to a shocking and gripping climax! But... after that everything kinda just got predictable. I knew nobody was gonna die so why should I care if they're in danger? I know that they're gonna win, so what do I care that they're currently struggling? There was absolutely no stakes that had me on the edge of my seat, and what's worse is that I could tell that the mangaka was actively trying for that very effect. Also, a real big pet peeve is when there is no more threat and everything is safe and the plot is over, then for no reason whatsoever, something dangerous and completely irrelevant pops up to kill someone just for shock value. No, it didn't make me cry; why would it when it was so tacky and unnecessary? All of these aspects of the story just took away from the experience, and beyond that, by the end, the plot felt a lot more simple than I would've expected from the first arc. Like, there really isn't that much to this world at all, and it was really disappointing, ngl. But the worst part? It's so mediocre that I can't really complain at the same time. It was my expectations that ruined this for me, honestly.

ART: 6/10
Eh. I don't mind it. The character design and angles make it feel awkward at times but overall it's ok, I can't say it's bad but it's not my favourite.

Yeah wow not very strong. The most well done character was Emma. My favourite character was Ray. The worst characters was anyone that wasn't the main, like, 10 people. Now, we can see Emma's character development throughout the story as she encounters people, friends and enemies, that teach her a sort of religious appreciation for nature and life, which I really enjoyed watching grow to fruition. On the other hand, Ray, who felt estranged from Emma and Norman from the beginning before he got significantly more interesting throughout the first arc, had nothing to offer by the second half of the series. I was extremely disappointed. He was just put by Emma's side like a side-kick without any opinions of his own - he just followed her wherever she went. I think what would've been an awesome plot device to fix this was to have made a really big twist centering around Ray in the climax of the story. But... he's still just as irrelevant then too. As the most interesting character with the most development potential from the beginning, on par with Phil (who also should have played a much bigger role for all the emphasis they put on him), Ray was an extreme disappointment that felt simply overlooked. Now my real beef. I did not care about 99% of these characters and the mangaka made it feel like I was supposed to be crying when any of them died. You are supposed to show me why I should care, not just tell me that I should. It's just such a waste because other stories, like hero academia for example, have large casts that the readers genuinely care for. But instead, the only character development we got was in Emma, the protagonist. It was really, really disappointing.

Although the entire final arc was dull and disappointing, the first 100 chapters were very thrilling and had so much potential. But all throughout this story, I still felt compelled to read more. It was certainly enjoyable, even if it got unbearable by the end.

I just wish it ended with as much excitement and thrill as it started, but it didn't. The ending wasn't even that bad; it just felt undeserved, like we didn't really work to get to this point and it was just handed to us, like a participation award. I'm just so disappointed by the wasted potential for an amazing and profound story, that instead barely managed to string together some coherent themes.

I don't know if I would recommend this. If you read yakusoku no neverland, just don't expect something amazing.
Yakusoku no Neverland review
Mar 31, 2021
Si que si, hola hablo spanish. Y la verdad como da flojera usar traductor google para que puedan entenderme, usenlo ustedes si quieren leer esta reseña. The Promised Neverland fue algo que disfrutè, los arcos fueron estructurados de forma magistral con sus historias siguiendo las intenciones del autor. Emma de protagonista fue la pizca de humanidad que se necesitaba en un mundo gris y podrido regido por la gula y el egoìsmo. Aunque tambièn discrepo un poco de sus intenciones al querer destruir el plan de Norman, sus deseos fueron egoìstas pensando que eran amables, pero a las finales Emma siempre hace lo que se le da la bendita gana, y Ray siempre siguiendole la cola para protegerla y ser la voz de la razòn. Norman siempre haciendo lo que quiere por su cuenta pero siempre tiene en cuenta la lògica ante que sus emociones, aunque eso signifique cargar con todo solo. Con respecto al dibujo, he visto un desarrollo muy prometedor de las ilustraciones del mangaka desde el cap 1 al final, en serio antes los niños me parecìan ser viscos y ahora los veo normal. Fue una gran obra para leer, una historia nueva, el arco de Yuugo fue el mejor de todo el manga, los plot twist espectaculares. Pero aùn asì tuve mi final amargo con Isabella y que Emma perdiera la memoria. Por el final no le pongo un 10, fue un forzado rencuentro en mi opinion para dejarnos con el final feliz de que siempre nos encontraremos con nuestra familia.
Yakusoku no Neverland review
Mar 31, 2021
For those of you who are going into this series after watching the anime (which is not actually finished yet fyi) you'll most definitely enjoy it. And if you haven't... well... you'll enjoy it anyway!

I really like this manga for a number of reasons. I feel like the first 36 chapters (the first season of the anime which I gave a 10) are incredibly entertaining, enthralling, creative, and even heartwarming (when they're trying to be of course). Everything after this is epic too. It's a very unique take on the post-apocalyptic stereotype and is very interesting overall. The characters are great and I never feel like there's a bunch of plot convenience. I can never resist the urge to face-palm when one of an anime/manga's cruelest characters or a genuine antagonist just kind of flips personalities and becomes a good guy, but that never happens in this manga. Well... at least up until the manga's main emotional moment in chapter 118 (I think you know what I'm talking about if you're up-to-date with the manga like I am). Everything from that moment on kind of just goes downhill...

Remember how I mentioned that the story was creative? Yeah well not for long. You can tell a little bit after the big emotional moment that the writers are running out of ideas. They kind of just make things up that don't really make a lot of plot sense and it gets boring and tired. There ends up being a lot of plot convenience and a ton of concepts that don't really line up with the main storyline. Also, remember what I said about character personality shifts? Yeah throw that out the window two. Not only do they desperately try to redeem some of the most heartless villains in any anime (which, by the way, fails miserably), but they also go so far as to ruin one of the best characters who I sympathized with and was rooting for (I'm not talking about the main protagonist btw). There was a lot of let down and at this point I'm only reading this manga out of a sense of obligation (the standard "I can't just drop it when I've come this far" feeling).

Now normally I wouldn't give a manga like this a 9 BUT MUSIKA/MUJIKA (my translation sources aren't very accurate) IS BY FAR THE BEST WAIFU AND I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL SHE APPEARS IN THE ANIME. Everything about this character is amazing. She's the perfect mix of innocence and maturity and she's not naïve like most animes/mangas make this sort of character. She is also by far the most important character in the entire manga (those who have read it know what I mean) and she has an incredible personality.

So if you want my advice just read up to 118 or 119. Assume everyone ends up happy, they all live great lives and nobody dies. Otherwise, you'll have to trudge through over 50 chapters of what feels like filler honestly. The only good thing about everything afterwards is that Mujika (if I'm writing her name wrong tell me please) gets a lot more time on paper. Aside from that it's just meh. Giving it a 9 is a bit too generous, it definitely deserves more of an 8 but I had a lot of fun reading it so if you don't have any plans by all means read this one.

However if you want to read an even BETTER manga I recommend Boku dake ga inai machi (Erased) or Koe no Katachi (a silent voice). I should have my reviews on those soon so if you guys want to read them feel free to check out my reviews page!

-Your friendly neighborhood YouTuber/Man-of-culture Kallocarina
Yakusoku no Neverland review
Mar 31, 2021
I'm well into the story as to where it stands right now I'm currently on chapter 43.

The story is really unique despite "I know what mangas ya'll are about to relate this to". It's really nothing like that at its core it just has the similarity of...walls and survival. There are lots of really unique twists and turns in the story that had me making ugly noises when I read them.

The art I find unique in the sense that it seems to draw some inspiration from western art. It's a good representation of how style mash-ups should look.

The writing and pacing is beautiful. I never feel dragged along with the story and I really like the character development. Death and loss is handled very well in this and you end up liking characters that are supposed to be hated, this is a good sign they're written well.

I also really enjoy that the mangaka does little side comic strips at then ends of chapters sometimes.

Relating it to other Manga:

This gives me vibes of Claymore, Berserk, and SNK but it has deeper values on friendship and human life per-say (as is more similar to Claymore than any of the others)

The unity of the group reminds me a lot of claymore and how you don't have to be the "strongest" or "best" in the group to make a big impacted difference. And how "together we are stronger" which is a big theme in both stories. It also has a lot of similar story elements that are spoilers so I'll ignore them.

The Berserk one I think is self-explanatory...

Honestly I think comparing it to SNK is insulting to this manga because it's what SNK should have been in terms of pacing, development, arcs etc. They just both happen to have walls.
