Fullmetal Alchemist review

Apr 16, 2021
fullmetal alchemist is set in what would be a real world europe setting. its about 2 brothers who are i guess you could say "genius" alchemists for their age. their father is gone and its only their mother who passes away due to an illness, they try to use the alchemy they learned to bring her back to life but fail and in the process 1 brother loses his whole body as the other loses an arm and a leg but manages to use what he learned to bond his brothers soul to a suit of armor. the whole goal is the series is for them to correct their mistake and fix their bodies. there is a lot of friends and foes made in the proccess of their goal and they grow up maturing along the way, lots of laughs and tears and makes for an exiciting shonen like manga. there is a TON of action so dont worry about that. i highly suggest this as a starter manga


Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Autor Arakawa, Hiromu