Full Drum review

Apr 05, 2021
I legitimately don't understand why the score for Fulldrum is barely above a 7; this is one of the most entertaining sports series I've read/watched. The first goddamn chapter of this manga features the main character tackling a motorbike... and winning. By all accounts, this manga is ridiculous fun, even if it's about a sport you may have never watched in your life.

Our main character joins the rugby club at his school, not because he wants to play rugby, but because there's a cute girl managing the first years. Once there, he proceeds to frustrate everyone he comes into contact with, ultimately leading to a situation where everybody improves but everybody is also angry all the time. You don't really have to worry about understanding rugby to read this, because the main character doesn't understand it either, and it shows. All the dude knows how to do is run into other guys and make them fall, and the mangaka sure as hell knows how to draw that in stunning detail.

The character interactions are straight-up hilarious. These characters may be cliches, but man are they fun to watch fuck with each other constantly. There's even hints of romance, despite our MC being the most blunt fucker on the planet. Right now, my only major problem with this manga is that I only get to experience it for 15 more chapters.


Full Drum
Full Drum
Autor Hakoishi, Tooru