Fairy Tail review

Apr 04, 2021

Okay, first of all, I just wanna say...

Bruh, wtf was the last two supposedly "boss fights" lmao

Fairy Tail was such a good series, yeah, was (sorry but this had to be said). The fanservice are always too much for me but I can still mangae through. The major problem that I have with FT is the last few arcs, like:

Mashima (the author) dropped the bomb on us that August is the real son of Mavis and Zeref. Like, that was a really surprising plot twist and I was even excited to know what will happen later BUT after a few chapters Mashima just dissolved August like damn, outstanding move. (Zeref & Mavis didn't even know he existed, press F to pay respect bruh, rip)

Another thing would be Lucy rewriting the book of END, which caused her to slowly succumb to darkness since she wasn't supposed to tamper with the book and had to pay the price. I lowkey expected losing an arm or leg cuz she was really struggling but nay, Gray (has been there all the time) just came swooping in last minute be like: "Oh, I have Ice Devil Slayer magic, I forgot. Here, Lucy, lemme help". Yeah, and that's it. Might as well not include all the dramatic build up if Mashima is just gonna brush it off like that I guess???

Honestly, these have so many potential but nooo, Mashima just brushed those off like it was nothing, it made me feel that he was lowkey rushing the story (or maybe just me, idk)

And don't even get me started with the last two boss fight lol. I mean, at least I can understand the Zeref vs. Natsu one, Natsu won. Technically, he was the only one there, fair enough.

But Everyone vs. Acnologia? I'm sorry, I cannot with that one. Natsu, with the power of friendship, single handedly defeated Acnologia. I was like, bruh, isn't he overpowered at this point? Nay, in the 100 year quest, he lost to one of the Dragon Eaters (human). Does that mean the dragon eaters was stronger than Acnologia?? Because they're dragon eaters?? Mashima, I am confused lol.

But then again, I enjoyed the art a lot. Definitely preferred Mashima's new art style more and the way he draws the scenery in FT is as beautiful as always. So, kudos to that.

All in all, I'm just confused with the last few arcs, it just felt like the hype was building so well but was later(in last minute) being brushed away like nothing.

But at least the story still flows, so all in all a 7/10. (Lowkey miss FT though, believe it or not this was actually the first anime series I follow, so yeah)



Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail
Autor Mashima, Hiro