Orange review

Mar 31, 2021
Major Spoilers in the review ahead, please read on at your own risk

So let's start. This has easily been one of the most frustrating and irritating manga I have ever read. Simply because of the inability of the MC to take any action or deal with it other than relying on other people's help or crying. She knows that Kakeru is going to die, and she also knows that he likes and confesses to her but she still doesn't ask him out because she is just mentally challenged even after the whole suicide situation they don't start dating like what's up with that. Why do other characters have to prod you to date? The MC knows that 2 guys like her but she chooses to ignore it. She knows that Kakeru will commit suicide still she does things that make him unhappy like who idiotic can you get. Gahhhhhh this manga is the worst. I have never been angrier at a character before than this woman. Makes me want to go inside the manga and shake some sense into her. She knows that the letter is the real deal but still doesn't obey what's written inside the letter and invite the suicidal boy out while it's not that a big of a deal when things do turn out fine in the end, this thing irritates me because she keeps thinking about this because it is a big deal for Kakeru because his mother dies. There is a chapter at the end which just deals with Kakeru's side of things, if it had been the whole story I would have been happy because it's written so beautifully, the 2 that I am going to give to this series will for that chapter and nothing else. This manga has been a waste of time and I don't see why people like it so much because it's just so badly written like they send the letters 10 years before to a parallel universe, how? Just by sending their letters along the sea and on the Bermuda triangle hoping it will reach their past self. That's just lazy and idiotic writing. The art style resembles the shojo art style but isn't that revolting. It's just fine and get's the job done. I will never ever read this stupid manga ever again. It's idiotic character's who just couldn't do anything made my blood boil. I just hate this manga and rest assured I will never read this again.


Autor Takano, Ichigo