Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet review

Apr 02, 2021
Before I begin, this is a SPOILER FREE review, so do not worry about any spoilers for the story.

For this review, I will go by each category giving my brief thoughts on each.

1: Story - 10/10

The story of this manga is quite simply amazing. It sounds simple enough, and it is, but the story allows for this manga to truly show its genre: romantic comedy. There is plenty of great romance and plenty of great comedy. Honestly, it has such a great blend of each that it does not matter which you prefer (romance or comedy) because either way you will be wholeheartedly satisfied with the story. Of course, there is a good amount of drama in here to keep the story moving forward, and the drama that is in here is fantastic in my opinion. The story flows so well and nothing ever seems out of left field. That is to say there are no glaring plot holes or deus ex machinas.

2: Art - 10/10

All I can really say for this is the art style is incredible. Multiple times I just had to pause and admire how good the images and characters looked. Truly great art that helps showcase how much care went into this series.

3: Character - 10/10

If the story is so amazing, obviously that has to mean the characters are pretty amazing too. Because this manga is not that long (which is ok as it does not need to be), most character backstories are rather short and sweet. However, there are some characters with more in-depth backstories (aside from Romio and Juliet) and even these backstories are done justice. The characters are all quite memorable, at least to me, and are all certainly lovable for one reason or another. With so many different characters with different personalities, each shown great care by the author, it would be nearly impossible to read this manga and not like any of them.

4: Enjoyment - 10/10

As you can tell by now with my thoughts from the other categories, I really enjoyed this manga. At first, the chapters were long and it was sort of slow because I had already seen the anime, which is a very faithful adaptation . However, once I got past the parts I had already seen, it was honestly hard to put this down. Took me basically a week to read everything, only because I was busy some days. This is a manga I would spend a whole day reading if I had nothing to do. Of course, by the end I was sad because my time with the characters and the world was over. That being said, if a series is able to make you miss it when you are done, that means the series did its job well in the fact that it engrossed you in its characters and its world. Also, I enjoyed this manga so much that I actually would read the afterwords at the end of volumes and the bonus stuff at the end of volumes, which is something I rarely do as I am never this engrossed in the manga. However, with this manga I could not help but read everything there was, as I was actually interested in Yosuke Kaneda's thoughts and opinions because I loved his story so much.

5: Overall - 10/10

This manga is a masterpiece in my eyes. If you like romance or comedy (or especially both), then I would be surprised if you do not think the same. You can tell how much love Yosuke Kaneda has for this manga, which is not surprising considering he wrote it to express some of his favorite ideas. When an author puts so much love into a story, it is not surprising when those reading or watching the story also fall in love with it. Heck, this is my first review on the website despite being on here for years and having read plenty of good manga and watched plenty of good anime. It is my first review though because of how much I loved the story. I finished the manga at like 7:30 a.m. as I stayed up late reading it, and I knew I had to write a review on it when I woke up.

If you have read this far, thank you for reading the review and I implore you to give the manga a try as I hope you love it just as much as I did.


Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet
Autor Kaneda, Yousuke