NG Life 's review

Mar 26, 2021
At first this manga seemed pretty uninteresting. I mean, it has to do with history, and when is that interesting? Well, if you ever have a pop quiz on Pompeii, you just might land a C-

But I really did end up enjoy this manga, and a few of my other friends did as well. The story is fairly original, but it is a bit lacking. It somewhat repeats itself on occasion, but the humor and art does make up for it. There's times where the manga gets really serious, and you might get a bit teary, while others, you'll be trying your best not to laugh out loud (or else you might get weird looks from your family).

I think what I enjoyed most about NG Life is probably the art. The art isn't the best, but I really liked it. It was simple and nice, the characters didn't look too awkward, unless they were in an awkward situation.

NG Life doesn't really stand out with other manga but the love triangle between Saeki, Serizawa (who used to be Loleus, his guy best friend but now his GIRL best friend), and Yuuma (who used to be Serena, his wife) is really weird, but extremely hilarious at the same time. You can't help but feel sorry for the poor guy.

If you like something that's fast paced, doesn't have a super complicated plot, and LOL-funny, then I'd totally recommend NG Life. Give it a try!


NG Life
NG Life
Autor Kusanagi, Mizuho