Dungeon Meshi 's review

Mar 27, 2021
The life of an adventurer is quite rough, tough mobs, deadly traps and most importantly not starving to death and dealing with the prospect of eating your fellow adventurers. Lauis was forced into the predictament after a raid to the Red Dragon led to his sister being eaten alive and left inside the belly of the beast and they only have an entire month to save her. But since they don't have much in the way of gold, the adventurers are forced to dine on the mobs they have slain. An unappetizing option for his companions, thankfully they stumble across the dwarf Senshi, the reliable dwarf is an hardly survivalist who wants to kill the Dragon not for the prize but for the taste of dragon and so a journey is made underground to save Lauis' sister and find new ways to kill the mobs and taste their remains.

Dungeon Meshi is a manga that takes cues from Toriko, Dragon Crown and Danmachi and combines it into a tabletop inspired adventure as the cast goes down into breach once more and feast on every mob they fight. The motley crew consists of Lauis, the aloof warrior who wants to keep track of the things they ate in the dungeon for future adventures, Mircelle the elven sorceress who is too used to eating prepackaged meals from the surface, Tirchac, the halfling thief and straight man to Lauis' quirky personality and Senshi's desire to taste a red dragon.

RIght now the manga has reached volume 2 and the I am gonna wait for volume 3's release and their forays into the dungeon culinary world.


Dungeon Meshi
Dungeon Meshi
Autor Kui, Ryoko