Shin Angyo Onshi review

Mar 31, 2021
The series is about a wandering Shin Angyo Onshi, a government issued special warrior from the now destroyed city of Juushin that is meant to take down corrupt official and bring peace to the world. Its a mouthful. However our main character is doing more than just bringing peace (in a very tsundere like fashion). He also deserves vengeance on the man who has wronged him. Together with his Sando, a scantily clad woman and a midget he must find peace not just for the world but for himself.

First lets talk about what i don't like about the series. Because this series is good and i want to get the bad stuff out of the way. First the obvious the main heroine. She wears exclusively lvl 69 armor. It is a problem. Now i don't think its a big enough issue to pull down the series but the entire point is fan service and its done so poorly. Like her bath scenes are more satisfying but no one wants to see ass during an epic fight scene. Its pointless make the fight overall less serious. She also has a confusing personality trait. She dresses like a whore yet acts like a princess. This contrast does not and this contradiction just leads inconsistency's rather than the intended effect. Another problem is the midget. This is one of those that did not need Jokes man. Too many jokes. Entire chapters dedicated to comedy stunts. Its this ridiculousness that pulls this series down. You cannot be serious and then throw in these really lame ass jokes and expect both to land. It ruins the atmosphere. Fairy Tail does it and it fucking sucks.

Another big problem was the first 8 volumes. Yes that is a massive issue. The first 8 volumes in general weren't bad and combined with the fantastic art it was definitely a delight to look at. There just wasn't anything really hooking me here. Yes the art was good. The characters were likable and the action was snappy. But what was missing? The motivation. The WHY! Black swordsman arc from Berserk has got to be the worst arc I have ever read in a good manga. Why did that arc suck? because the motivation was never revealed. Why is Guts is angry, What is his connection to god hand, who is Griffith. What is going on. How can he do much stupid shit and then cry like a pussy. None of this was revealed until the golden age arc mind you. If the author simply had put the black swordsman arc after the golden age arc it would've been acceptable.

We have the same problem here. Now the first 8 volumes aren't that bad. By any means, The characters are more likable and entertaining and these contained episodic arcs are better when compared to the black swordsman. The main villain when shown has an absolute dominating presence. But the overall story is lacking. So when the back story arc is shown which is like 6 volumes too. It is phenomenal. Like its not just normal great it is great great. Just a small thing like showing the context in between the characters of how they reached where they were does so much. Of course i don't think Its just cuz of the explanation of the characters backgrounds but how its done is also incredible. The romantic aspect is good. The story becomes more and more fluid as more of the answers are revealed. Overall it becomes what the manga was aiming for in the beginning. There are some rough patches here and there but overall they don't fuck up the over feel of the series. Also it has probably one of the most satisfying punches i have seen.

Everything past this point changes. The final arc becomes better because the context behind it is explained. Though the final is a bit lackluster it does end on such a great note. The series does remind that it is in fact Korean Berserk. I downright adored some of the characters. Especially the bandaged swordsman. He is by far the most threatning consistent character in the series. He is violent and aggressive. The main hero again when his backstory is revealed becomes this animal some even more so in the ending.

The series is great. It does kinda suck that the beginning isn't as good but goddamn if its not satisfying at the ending. The characters overall are great all around the action is good, But everything becomes so much better after the backstory arc. Now i don't tend to enjoy Prequel arcs. Even when there good i hate them. They entire idea of it is to halt to the story and to dump information. Even the great ones like this and Berserk i have this gnawing feeling of when its gonna end so the story can move forward. If the series was in chronological this could've been almost be considered a masterpiece.

Its a bit sad to watch a series lose its quality due to its chronological mess. Also characters die. Like a lot. I'm glad though that the good part of the series is in the second rather than the first half. Because that is what are you left with. I also recommend checking out the Shin angyo onshi gaiden, as it give some fun and good backstories. I do wish the ending for some of the characters was fleshed like what is a sando? How did the main villain get so strong. But in regards to what the series got right its a minor issue. The ending itself in regards to main is very satisfying.

TLDR: If you are willing to sit through 7 volumes of middling stuff you will be rewarded to something truly special. 7/10



Shin Angyo Onshi
Shin Angyo Onshi
Autor Yoon, In-Wan