Noragami review

Apr 01, 2021
As of writing this review 70 chapters of Noragami have come out.
Although a month between new chapters is a long time which
allows intense feelings to cool down, I find myself falling in love
with this manga all over again with each new chapter.
I cannot stress enough how highly I recommend it.

First of all, to get it out of the way, the art is beautiful and clean, and the
panel composition is quite fluent.
The characters are distinct, charming and really likable.
The manga really knows how to be funny when it wants to be, and how to
pull at your heart strings when it aims to play with your feelings.

Because I have, as of right now, read all of the 70 chapters that have come out
I feel the need to address new readers with a small comment to encourage them
to stick with this manga.
When you first start reading Noragami, you kinda feel like it lacks world-building,
that it doesn't really explain much of what is going on outside the little world
set up for our main characters. But I believe it was the authors intention to first focus
more on the characters and their relationships and make you fall in love with
them. With each new arc the world of Noragami gets exponentially larger.
Now, at 70 chapters I see how well thought out the story has been from the
very beginning. It shocks you with revelations and it's depth.

I love the the way this manga questions the meaning of divine gods being
just and them trying to understand and handle human emotions. I also love
the way it's really cheerful and has hints of romance but also deals with some
hard emotions in a really mature and realistic way.
It doesn't cut corners with it's story telling or the characters relations.

I believe the author's strongest suit in this manga is the ability to examine and question
really complex emotions, situations and relationships. While this manga is really
light-hearted on the surface, it deals with some really dark themes like abuse,
manipulation and loss. It portrays good people doing bad things, but also their struggles
to get back on the right path. As life itself is quite unfair the author is not yielding
on it's characters drawing the short straw.

I wholeheartedly recommend Noragami because it is silly enough to make you
laugh but also that much serious and deep to leave you overwhelmed with so many
complex emotions.


Autor Adachitoka