Noragami review

Apr 01, 2021
This is a... relatively spoiler-free review, although I advise having a bit of knowledge about it before reading this. Nevertheless, there will be no spoilers related to the actual plot. Warning: mention of trauma/abuse

Saying that Noragami is a comedy is so far from the truth. There is absolutely no chapter that is truly comedic by which I mean that there is something bad that happens in every. single. chapter, whether it be something small or otherwise. Although I did give it a 10 in enjoyment, I am NOT enjoying the ride for the sole reason that reading this feels like being beaten repeatedly with a baseball bat by Adachitoka - simply soul-crushing at times. Adachitoka do give some breathers from time to time with filler chapters (or half chapters since the infamous year-long hiatus).

Adachitoka manage to create many complex characters which show a great deal of character development, of character building: they don't progress per se at all times, because everyone has a setback from time to time. She manages to blend character growth with its reverse extremely well thus creating realistic characters in a matter of speaking (since in the end it is a supernatural manga). They also manage to address trauma and abuse that characters went through in a way that it doesn't define them, but in a way that has shaped their past and affected their future and judgment to an extent. I could go on and on about how they have created amazing characters but alas, I don't want to.

Story-wise, again no comments. Adachitoka use foreshadowing a lot and, after re-reading the manga, I can say it is mindblowing how many subtle hints they give to future happenings in their chapters. It can be at times predictable but in a way that won't bore you because believe me, you know that they are about to beat the crap out of you, but you will never know the force they will use - and it's usually with a far greater force than you expect. You know the "This is fine" meme? Well, it pretty much sums up the Noragami experience!

The anime simply does not do this justice since they changed/ added a lot, for example [SPOILER] Ebisu's death (still mad about that, BONES) and the whole Rabo arc which was completely unnecessary. On the bright side, it had a banger soundtrack!



Autor Adachitoka