Diamond no Ace Act II review

Apr 01, 2021
This Act II doesn't disappoint. In fact, it gets even better.
The adding of these new first years is very well done and you just can't wait to see them grow along the main characters. Bonus point as they add some fresh humor.

Otherwise, Sawamura and Furuya are still fighting for the mound, but Sawamura is not the unreliable pitcher he was in his first year and is acknowledged by all at this point. He still messes up sometimes but that's just his character. What remains for him is obviously to get the Ace title, and he gets closer to it day by day.
He keeps advancing towards his goal to become Seido's best, but it's not easy with furuya on the team. At the same time, these two fighting for the same spot is the reason why they keep growing, and it is simply thrilling to watch it.

This Act 2 also doesn't fail at reminding you that it's the last ride for some of our favourite characters... it's hard to read the last summer of the 3rd years. It just can't be helped, the team will clearly lose some of its appeal. The first years will have to fill that gap, but it seems like they will manage.

Overall, what you need to expect from this second act is :

- new and interesting characters
- a brand new Seido team in the making
- new opponents, new challenges

The seido train hasn't lost steam at all, and it's a pleasure to be on board.


Diamond no Ace Act II
Diamond no Ace Act II
Autor Terajima, Yuuji