Tower of God 's review

Mar 26, 2021
I read the full season one and half season 2 of Tower God a few days ago so I will give you my honest thoughts about it here. I first heard of this manhwa becoming an anime not too long ago from Joey (AKA The Anime Man) and wanted to check it out straight away, instead of waiting every week for all episodes to fully air.

Basically when I first read all 78 chapters (season 1) of this manhwa, I actually thought it was quite decent at first . Rak and Khun were the most likeable pair I've come across in the series. It's always adorable when Rak always calls everyone different types of "Turtles" and going over the top with things. Khun was like this chilled out dude with a slick style and whom you really want to be friends with, and even him falling out with Rak numerous of times for various stupid reasons, was absolutely hilarious! In all honesty, I had no time for Bam because he was always just non-stop talks about Rachel and he was just such a headache to look at lol!


So fast forward to reading season 2.... It was a serious hot mess tbh.... They added in pointless numerous characters who don't add up to the story and story was just all over the friggin shop with non stop repeating itself!! They even got rid of most of the old crew but when they kept a few such as Bam (who you know I don't like but still) and Khun, they are completely different characters altogether! I felt their personalities abruptly changed which I honestly hated, especially Khuns! Also no Rak so that made my reading experience pretty frustrating and that resulted in me dropping the season altogether at 27 chapters... Very disappointed but yeah we can't like every single webtoon out there lads!

I don't care if you disagree with my opinion or not but this wasnt the best manhwa I've ever read to be quite frank with ya!

To end on a more positive note with my negative review, the opening song of this in the anime adaption is pretty lit!


Tower of God
Tower of God
Autor SIU