Bleach review

Apr 04, 2021
Bleach was a series I decided to tackle last of the Big 3 manga, and at first I thought it was pretty entertaining. Naruto had already finished before I started Bleach, and the disappointing ending left me hopeful that Bleach would be a bit better, especially since the ending of bleach was incoming by the time a began reading. At first, I thought the story was actually pretty good, with Ichigo learning about hollows and soul reapers from Rukia, and the dynamic between these two was actually pretty amusing. While I was never a huge fan of Orohime, Uryu was intriguing and Chad was hilariously badass.

My feelings for the series maintained up through the soul society arc, with me finding myself enjoying the established cast of characters, as well as the captains introduced throughout the arc. From what I hear, this is where most people begin to fall off the series, but for me, I enjoyed it up until the defeat of Aizen. I wasn't a fan of the final battle against Aizen, but the rest of the arc was entertaining enough to me so I let it slide. However, the arc that killed it for me, an many others as I've heard, was the fullbring arc. The main cast was already getting outshined since Hueco Mundo, but at least Ichigo was progressing so it wasn't to bad. The fullbring arc felt like a massive regression for ichigo, both power and character-wise, and ultimately he gets his reaper powers back so it seems totally pointless in the long run. While the Quincy arc was much better than the fullbring arc, it was very similar to the hueco mundo/ aizen arc to me and, by this point in the series, I wasn't on board enough to tolerate the bullcrap anymore. Only the "coolest captains" got any good fights and the final fight against Ywach was extremely anticlimactic for the amount of power he was hyped to have. Ultimately, I think I might have enjoyed bleach slightly more if I had just skipped the fullbring arc, since it isn't even that important to the overall story and without the frustration it caused me I may have enjoyed the Quincy Arc for slightly more time before I burnt out. Ill still stand by the quality of Soul Society arc though, it was truly a great arc.


Autor Kubo, Tite