Oyaji review

Apr 03, 2021
This manga was recommended to me. At first, I was a bit hesitant in reading this, but when I started to read the first chapter, I was dragged into reading more.

Oyaji is a story about an oyaji (old man/father), a badass oyaji that is. While the cover screams of something gruesome or uninteresting, don't be fooled.

The story is told in almost a linear format. The whole series tells a story of a single night where the oyaji came back home after 10 years of disappearance. There were some flashbacks here and there that speaks of how our characters were from before.

What makes Oyaji stand out from the rest is its drama despite of its initial impressions. We've got yakuzas, blood - lots of 'em, flying body parts, etc. and while those elements are mostly seen in dark, psychological and tragic series, what we got here is a very dramatic and touching experience - something that'll definitely change something within you.

The characters, oyaji and his family, have realistic personalities and experienced realistic events common in Japan's lower society. Each may be annoying at first, but as the pages go by, your love for them will grow. And if you may ask, oyaji is a badass. You'll love every single bit of him regardless of your hate or love for rowdy and violent archetypes.

The artwork is just like in every dark seinen out there. Weird faces and dark tones, it delivers the situation and atmosphere the author wants to. If you are reluctant on seeing those kind of artworks, please, I beg you, just give it a try.

All in all, Oyaji is a series that's very hard to drop by the very moment you read it. It is entertaining, it is emotional, it is badass.



Autor Moriyama, Tsuru