Ane Doki review

Apr 04, 2021
Few things to note, i havent read all that much manga, just over 3 days according to mal at time of writing this, but over 170 days of anime. So while i might not be a expert on manga i am quite used varying styles and genres from the anime i've watched. Also i wont include any spoilers, even though that limits what i can say on things. Also this is my first review, anime or manga, this is the first, so i dont care how its rated, i wanted put my thoughts down, and so i did.

Well i saw this while it was still publishing and was interested in reading it once it was all done, as much as anything else because Natsuki is so damn hot, and reminds in pretty every detail possible of Misaki Yamamoto of Hatsukoi Limited(also by Kawashita, Mizuki), which was a good enough reason on its own for me to start reading this as Misaki like Natsuki have the looks, style, and cool appeal to make them practically perfect, only flaw is i can never be with them :).

Well i agree with most of whats been said in the other reviews, its pretty typical, though i doubt anyone would read an ecchi rom-com expecting it to be something new. As another reviewer said, enjoyment is the biggest factor, as proof i was looking for something to read a few chapters of before going sleep, but instead i read it all which for me took over 3hrs but as i mentioned already i havent read that much manga so my pace might be quite slow. Once i started i just couldnt stop myself reading on, i truely did enjoy it, my only wish is that there had been another chapter after it finished, but saying why would spoil things.

Skipping any real review of art, as for manga i dont have enough reference to say whats truely good, or say whats bad or could be better.

So i say for the story, which although pretty typical does have enough for me to give it some merit, part of which for me is although its a stretch to believe that Natsuki simply decides to move in for the sake of paying her debt of eating his ice cream. You can mostly accept the happenings and reasons behind them as possible, this for me made the characters feel more real or believable, or atleast kouta, Natsuki and kanede as well as one or two others introduced later but i wont say who they are. It also progressed quite well, giving you answers on who Natsuki really is, and although its quite short, also showed the other relationships Kouta had with various girls quite well.

Characters, first the few other males in this were all your typical stock characters, very annoying, bland, and for me forgettable, like i didnt once remember their names, or feel like putting effort into recognising who was who.
Kouta, was nothing new really, but we all know how these things work. Unsure of himself, unsure of his feelings, trying to work out what it means to like(love) someone. Always quick to yell at the people he cares for, because he cant work out his feelings, yet when it comes time to act does so with little hesitation. Despite this i quite liked him, i think its probably me, but i always see there being something we can all relate to in these characters, though the situations are far beyond what we could hope for ourselves, understanding your feelings for someone isnt easy, and we have all made mistakes while trying to figure them out.

Natsuki, my reason for reading it. The mysterious beauty who's past and situation get reveal during the manga. Simply put, im male and i love her, she's hot, and she's cool, but often shows a softer and weaker side of herself, making me love her all the more. Since alot of its about her, i cant say anymore really without spoiling things.

Kanede, well a cute tsundere more or less say it all. Just going from the Synopsis you know kouta helps save her, which ofcourse leads her to having feelings for him. From stuck up idol to blushing loli, the idol and Kouta's school crush, actually shows a bit of character devolpment, and for me was quite like-able.

Along with Chiaki, Natsuki's younger sister, the interaction between the characters, and some of the resulting ecchi situations they get themselves into provide plenty of entertainment and enjoyment for any rom-com fan, you'll love Natsuki, and Kanede, your only regret will be the end doesnt go on a bit more to show you what you want to happen. Then again just how often do anime or manga end in the way you wanted or your happy with, for any genre.


Ane Doki
Ane Doki
Autor Kawashita, Mizuki