A Kiss to the Prince review

Apr 04, 2021
The summary for A Kiss to the Prince sounded mildly interesting, so I decided to give it a try. One thing I can tell you right now: This series has great art!

Story: (6)
One of the low-points of this series is the story. It's rather, well, over-used. The "plot twists" in it are also very over-used and not the most creative. In fact, the whole story itself is extremely predictable. From the beginning of the 1st volume I knew who would end up with whom and guessed fairly well at the ending of the manga.

Art: (8)
What I would like to tell you right now is: KTP has beautiful art. It is, in my opinion, the highest point in the series. While in some angles the character's faces looked awkward, everything else about it is rather well done. Dresses are beautiful, hair is gorgeous, and backgrounds are rather well-done!

Character: (6)
Characters were rather irritating... Our main character is accused of stealing various times, yet people still trust her and say she's not that type of person! In fact, her attitude gives us quite the opposite idea, yet the author of this series obviously couldn't have a stealing protagonist! Everyone is, though, quite shallow and aren't given all that much development. I could name numerous other characters that are exactly like the cast of this Manwha, except they have different names and looks.

Enjoyment: (7)
I didn't like the characters or the story all that much, but I loved the art. How the heck did that help my enjoyment? No idea! But I loved seeing each panel some of the covers and such...

Overall: (7)
This is pretty mediocre in everything, but quite exceptional in the art department. I would recommend this series more for those who are looking for good art or maybe to those that are in the mood for a series with mediocre romance and characters. If you're looking for a series with excellent romance and such, my suggestion is don't waste your time and go search for another title.


A Kiss to the Prince
A Kiss to the Prince
Autor Kim, Hee Eun