Kanojo wa Rokurokubi review

Apr 05, 2021
Just personal scratch.
Advised, possible spoilers.
Opinion & Informal

Art: 6/10 Quite nice looking. It's sorta unique, sorta sorta. Character proportions were good. Character designs were acceptable. Girls were fairly cute. Main guy looked pretty good.

Panel Progression: 5/10 Nothing really fancy done in terms of panel progression and panel layout. Simple flow and nothing too confusing. There were some parts that could have used some extra panels for more clarification or flow. No two-page spreads or impact-panels which is a minus for this manga.

Characters: 6/10 Sorta likable. Main guy was boring and uninteresting. The main guy was just there to be there to make it a romance. He didn't contribute much at all. His back story was introduced but never really and truly explored or concluded well. Girls were alright. Some were kinda cute, kinda. They were all sorta bland. That includes the MC girl too. The main girl was sorta bland too. Sorta cute. No real antagonists in this story besides the main guy's mom, but she was sorta just left in the background.

Plot: 5/10 Average romance. Tries its hand at being a SOL but never really takes off. The SOL parts were kind of bland and unamusing. The romance parts weren't really satisfying either. A lot of it was beating around the bush with not enough impact to make the steamy moments exciting or satisfying.

Development: 7/10 I personally liked the little twist where you find out about the whole two cities separated by a bridge, separating the Youkais and Humans. Also the little twist that the main guy has actually been living in the youkai side of the bridge. The little information that we're given and the mysteriousness behind the nature of the youkai/human separation and how everything is revealed around this plot point was done well enough in my opinion. This was honestly the biggest part of what kept me reading because the romance aspects and SOL aspects were unappealing and uninteresting enough to keep me turning pages.

Conclusion: 6/10 Sort of abrupt and not exactly an open-ended ending. It still is sort of open-ended. The extra omake chapter wraps the whole story up in a way that doesn't leave me mad or satisfied. Honestly the whole conclusion was weak. If not for the omake chapter the conclusion would have been a letdown and a mood killer. The final chapter's conclusion is just an abrupt ending with no clear direction or I would say meaningful ending. Another way I guess I would put it is that there are some trivial yet concerning questions that have yet to be answered as well as ones that arise all because of the conclusion that this manga decided to take. The omake chapter's conclusion doesn't do the story much justice and sort of feels like it's half-assed.

Overall: 5/10 The romance doesn't really feel as fleshed out as it should have been. 22 chapters is enough to get a good romance narrative in, but I feel that this manga wasted a lot of time with pointless chapters and tried too hard to incorporate slice of life aspects. It's fine to include SOL aspects and some funny chapters, but it should be supporting the romance. The comic relief of this manga seemed way too forced as well. Overall this manga tried too hard with its comic relief and SOL attempts that it detracted from the romance and ended up making any serious attempt at romance, steamy moments or meaningful character development fall short.


Kanojo wa Rokurokubi
Kanojo wa Rokurokubi
Autor Nieki, Zui