Boarding House of Hunks review

Apr 05, 2021
First of all this is my second review (so bare with me). I've been reading Boarding House of Hunks for the past few days and I'm totally in love with this story. Who wouldn't like a girl who's loud and straight forward. Also standing up to a bunch of hot guys that makes you want to drool. It's refreshing to read about a leading lady that doesn't just cried, the art is very good.

The story revolve around Jae Yoo who's really boy crazy and wants to live in this boarding house full of ... (you guess it) hunks. To live there she has to trick her way into the house by going out with the dorkiest kid who happen to have a handsome guy as a friend. Enter Ji Hu, the best friend of the guy she happen to dump. After that all hell break loose, they are constantly at each other throat. Calling each other names and hitting one another. Slowly but surely they are drawn to each other and who know's someone else might have an eye on Jae Yoo.

I love this manhwa because the characters are always showing their emotion. Whether hitting each other, chunking things at one another, or calling names. The story keeps me entertain and smiling all the way through.


Boarding House of Hunks
Boarding House of Hunks
Autor Hwang, Mi Ri