Nozo x Kimi review

Apr 05, 2021
Many people are familiar with this series because it is by the same author of Nozoki Ana. While both series are based around the concept of "peeking" they are both very unique and are in my opinion quite different. This story is much less intense than NA by being less dark, graphic, ect. All around this manga just seemed more light hearted and fun. If you like NA then I think you will probably also like this as well. It's a good fun anime with less twisted romance. If you are scared of reading this because you think it will be the same as NA I can promise you that they are worlds apart. (Except the female leads. I swear Nozomi is just Emiru in high school, but I'm cool with that)


Nozo x Kimi
Nozo x Kimi
Autor Honna, Wakou