Pretty Face review

Apr 03, 2021
"Pretty Face" follows a tradition of absurd manga storylines, such as 'Tuxedo Gin and A.I. Love You," that have never been adapted as an anime. Regardless, these absurd romantic comedies, "Pretty Face" included contribute greatly to the genre of comics known as anime. Thanks to Yasuhiro Kano, the author, do we now fear bus accidents for more reason than just death, could we really become a member of the opposite gender because of such an event? Kano-sensei says, "YES!"

Drawing quality in this series is good but not extrodinary. Many character designs seem generic, in fact i could argue that they all have the same face with different hair pieces, and I'm not just talking about the twins. Despite this, many of the characters are very cute. Also, fight scenes are done very well, whenever Randou/Yuna creams someone I really feel the pain. He/she is very strong...

The characters themselves do at times follow typical manga formulas but overall are great. Randou is interesting because he has to become a woman, in more aspects than he'd like. The transformation from fumbling over bra hooks to having to remind himself he has a penis is a real journey. Rina is a better example of a generic character. She is your typical girl who obsesses over those she cares about more than herself (See Aoi-chan/ Ai Yori Aoshi). it does get to the point where it is a bit annoying but she has her little charms. the real appeal behind Rina is her relationship with her, or at least who she think is her sister, Yuna, who is actually Randou. it's great to see how intended sisterly love can be misinterpreted. poor Randou...

"Pretty Face" is a great series to read casually. It's mostly composed of short little stories that at the same time warm your heart and tickle your funny bone [and another bone if you catch my drift ;)]. I definitely think anyone could enjoy it if they are a fan of the genre. it's also a great way to introduce younger people to manga.


Pretty Face
Pretty Face
Autor Kano, Yasuhiro