Honomieru Shounen review

Apr 05, 2021
Phantom Seer is boring. That's the worst thing I can say about it, that's the best thing I can say about it, and I don't expect that to ever change.

This series is every supernatural shonen you've ever seen or read. It has no new ideas, and it exercises no creativity with its execution. It can be described as thus: Yusuke Urameshi becomes a shaman with Bakki as his Guardian Ghost, and joins the Magic Law Association where he battles Curses with the cast of Bleach. That is how uninspired this series is. It has nothing of its own, it just regurgitates stuff from other series.

I can't remember any of the characters' names, because none of them are memorable. They're "MC Boy", "Reluctant Girl", "Definitely Not a Villain", "Tengu Man", and probably a bunch of others I forgot completely. They each periodically get their big shonen "dramatic character-building moments", but it always falls flat since these characters just aren't as interesting as the series thinks they are.

The art is fine. It's the typical kind of thing you'd expect from a supernatural horror-themed shonen. Praising it for being creepy is kind of like praising water for being wet.

That's it. That's my review for Phantom Seer. It's boring, not much else to say. There's nothing to hate about it, but there isn't really anything to like about it either (unless you've never read a supernatural shonen before I guess). It's selling decently and getting reprints, but it never seems to rank higher than the bottom three spots, so it's not unreasonable to expect it to be another Agravity Boys.


Honomieru Shounen
Honomieru Shounen
Autor Matsuura, Kento