Porte Tricolore review

Apr 14, 2021
(really a 9.5 but meh) Note: there are traps, men and women.

have you ever read a story but felt there was a little too little material? just not enough to interest you? nothing really happening?

well this, (a trap series) uses traps in a magical setting with cute girls? and handsome guys? with a romantic feel so it's really nice.

the art is beautiful; pretty much what I want our world to be,

this is a series with more of a serious feel with traps. serious as in it has a plot, not this feels depressing as heck.

overall, this is a good fantasy romance. if you don't like traps, pretend they are girls ( or guys.... well the boyish ones).

IMO its one of the better trap manga, on the top with idol pretender ( the dude was cool ... right? )

well. go ahead and read it:) (oh and thank hachimitsu scans.)


Porte Tricolore
Porte Tricolore
Autor Minase, Seri