Poputepipikku review

Apr 03, 2021
Honestly, this manga made me laugh so much to the point that my stomach hurts, heck I have the strips saved on my phone just because of how absurd and hilarious it is.

The amount of Japanese and Western parody such as Annie, Michael Jackson and Disney Classics such as Aladdin involved reaches out to not just Japanese audiences, but to the rest of the globe (basically not a niche). However, there are some puns in which Japanese might only get and require some Reddit guide but when you get the joke or not, you'll laugh due to the comedy genius and meta humor.

This is a fresh piece of comedic art alongside being downright hilarious and random and deserves a read as you will not regret it.

No story whatsoever.

No character development (does not need it as it will ruin the whole series in my opinion).

I do like the main characters and how well they contrast and stay true to themselves with running gag not being repeated and re-used through out the whole manga.

It is a short read and you can finish a volume in 5-10 minutes without laughing. Legit took me an hour due to how hysterical I find it to be.


Autor Ookawa, bkub