Abara review

Apr 07, 2021
SPOILERS AHEAD! TL:DR: It's bad, but you can read if you want, there is some great art and its short.

While Blame! Manages to create a compelling narrative with little to no dialogue, Abara is too rushed, concepts are not build up, if the white Abaras invaded earth, who are the monsters that activated the tower? What is the tower? Did the city blow up in the end? Did the white Abaras died? Then why there were two out of place chapters about with the two women? What happened?

At the end of the scan I read, there was a glossary explaining all the concepts, names and events that happened in the manga, I don't know if that was in the original manga, but I know that in Blame!, a manga by the same author and that also used less dialogue, didn't have one, that was because unlike Abara, Blame! actually builds up the world, the characters, the machines, the technology, everything, Abara starts with a man turning into a monster, killing another monster, then gets beheaded and comes back in the end, then we see other types of monsters? But what are these monsters? Weren't the Abaras the ones that invaded earth? What was that skeleton-cyborg-man that activated the tower? WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?

"B-But you have to see the symbolism! And you must interpret your own opinions!" Nah Nah Nah, the greatest writers, movie directors and mangakas showed that you can't make symbolism and interpretation the basis of the history, you can add them as much as you want, but they can't hold the entire thing together alone, there has to be characterization, themes, world building, tone… etc.

This was rushed, weird, nonsensical and disappointing.


Autor Nihei, Tsutomu