Pumpkin Night review

Apr 10, 2021
Pumpkin Night is a story about a girl that use a pumpkin mask and kill the people who bullied with her in the past. At first I was excited and found it very interesting, but a little later I lost interest and just continued to see how far Naoko would go.

I expected the story to be something like Ring: Naoko would follow some of her classmates on Twitter and terrify them to death. It also seemed to follow a tense suspense, that the main characters would always be afraid of Kirino's return and what she could do, but the story gets boring when the character of the "main suspense" appears at all times, always killing someone and totally disappointing in the suspense.

The characters are all stupid and dumb, especially the main character. The villain is an interesting character, but still very stupid. The characters take stupid ideas and do stupid things like in every American Serial Killer movie.

So far the only positive point I have given, was in relation to the art that is well done (and every manga gore must have a good art).

Anyway, if you want to see a cool story with a lot of suspense, I'm sorry to say that you will be disappointed (just like me), but if you just want to see a gore manga, with a lot of shocking scenes and a lot of blood, you'll enjoy it.


Pumpkin Night
Pumpkin Night
Autor Hokazono, Masaya