Bone Collection review

Apr 12, 2021
Bone Collection's negative reception and ultra-short run in WSJ only made me want to try it more. I liked its promotional artwork and synopsis well enough. Could it really suck enough to get axed in 4 months?

Short answer: yes. It's not the worst manga I've attempted to read, but it's disappointing. Any interesting dynamic we'd get between its central boy/girl duo is squashed due to their entire fighting style being both an asspull and an excuse to turn Bone Collection into an ecchi-lite production. When the humor and action are both uninspired, it fails doubly.

Unfortunately, the plot makes things even more confusing. There's no clear motivation for any of the characters, and the series seems to change on a conceptual level each chapter. Arcs bleed into arcs, entire structures of exorcist society and introduced and scrapped, and the entire thing ends in a massive timeskip. And that's all in 2 volumes! Some of the character designs are cute, but that doesn't save this joint. The currently-running Witch Watch, however, borrows a similar dynamic between protagonists and makes it work much better as a comedy/SoL production. Perhaps Bone Collection could've leaned into the laughs a little more.


Bone Collection
Bone Collection
Autor Kirarazaka, Jun