One Piece review

Apr 16, 2021
One Piece is in my opinion not only a great manga but also one of the greatest pieces of written fiction of all time. Its 22 years and ongoing run is nothing short of incredible. During its run several cultural phenomena of old rose and concluded, some beginning side by side with One Piece and others only beginning their journey to the top as the next big hit. And I can say without a shadow of doubt that nothing will top One Piece for as long as it is in publication, the stories are only getting grander in scale and the decades old mysteries of the world are finally beginning to reveal themselves.

There’s a reason as to why One Piece has endured what to many might sound like a grueling run. 22 years as a mangaka takes a toll on a person, be it physically or mentally, at some point people break down due to the sheer amount of unrelenting work they have on their hands week after week. The manga industry not only a competitive environment that demands high performance and creativity but also an unrelenting and unforgiving beast that continues to eat at a person’s life even if you become successful. Only few have ever lasted long and even if they do, the quality of the stories either decline leading to a cancellation, or… hiatuses, long extended breaks that can last up to years.

One Piece fortunately hasn’t fallen into any of these pits. Oda has an obsession with writing One Piece and it shows in many of his interviews, he’s always extremely excited for the future of the series throwing out many promising teases for upcoming arcs. In fact, during his search for an assistant in one of his ads, he announced that the assistant should be “willing to die for One Piece.” Oda’s passion, much like the manga industry is unrelenting and it shows since the story has only been getting better despite being its best long before.

Story 9.9999/10

One Piece’s story is nothing short of a masterpiece and can probably never be duplicated in any shape or form. It has managed to remain fresh after so long all thanks to Oda’s versatile writing and is the reason why One Piece has endured so many years of competition. Each arc has its own distinct themes and genres so that no 2 arcs ever feel the same, one moment the strawhats are helping a princess thwart a rebellion set up by a warlord so that he can gain full control of the kingdom and the next it can go to being a prison breakout story that fails and leads to an all out war between the strongest.

There is a strong emphasis in creating impactful emotional moments in the story and they’ve never failed at pulling on my heartstrings. And this can be attributed to great character writing on Oda’s part. It’s almost like he challenges himself on making tragically sympathetic characters and he keeps on one upping himself throughout the entirety of the story.

Moreover, the fights in One Piece are not only beautifully choreographed but also expertly written. Every single encounter inadvertently showcases the character’s personality, be it Zoro’s short, no nonsense and to the point finishers that end fights in one blow being a reflection of who he is as a person or Sanji’s whacky kick style fighting because he vows to only use his hands for cooking. These might be trivial personality traits but it’s the little intricacies that contribute to further enriching the story.

However, the most important and arguably the most consistently praised part of One Piece’s narrative is without a doubt the world building. It is such an overlooked element in a lot of other stories, but it is undoubtedly one of the most integral foundations as to what sets One Piece apart from others works of fiction. Oda has crafted such a believable world rife with details, it enriches every single part of the story to unspeakable levels and contributes to huge payoffs in the story making for some really intriguing revelations at certain parts of the narrative. This worldbuilding is also singlehandedly responsible for one of the greatest mini arcs in all of One Piece and easily in all of shounen i.e. the Reverie arc, everything that has been built up and introduced in the 900 chapters all come together in this arc making for one of the most densely packed stories with mysteries upon mysteries introduced and some absolutely historical moments being unveiled.

This intricate worldbuilding is also responsible for the deepest and most detailed lore in fiction creating a lot of fascinating mysteries that have yet to be unveiled so far. The promise of the answer to these mysteries is yet another reason as to why people are so invested in reading the story because they can be nothing but mind-blowing. It broadens the scope of the story and keeps arcs from being self-contained.

Oda has crafted a living, morphing and ever-changing world that reacts accordingly to the effects that each person inflicts in certain parts of the seas. Each faction has their own goals and motivations and go about it regardless of the protagonist’s actions. At one corner of the world you’ve got a faction waging war on all nobility, in another there’s a meeting of the world’s most influential powers to discuss the affairs of their respective kingdoms. Most stories react to and for the protagonist which makes for extremely limited stories and characters that lack personality. One Piece however, rejects that long standing plot device and makes a vast world with different moving parts that don’t have anything to do with the protagonist. This makes for a believable world with authentic and genuine characters making for organic build ups to some of the most historic events in the story.

Oda’s use of flashbacks in the story is yet another praiseworthy trait of the series. Flashbacks usually tend to be reviled in most stories, it breaks the pacing of otherwise highly anticipated events and can really bring the story to a halt if done wrong. Oda however makes flashbacks a welcoming element of each arc in the story, readers love seeing the history of the island and how characters came to be. They also have some pieces of vital lore information that contain answers to some of the mysteries of the world. Oda’s flashbacks are mostly all tragic with a heavy focus on character, these lead to some of the most heartbreaking moments in the series. It adds depth to the character, expands upon the background and context of the conflict and brings about emotionally gratifying climaxes.

While there is a lot to praise in the story of One Piece, it is not without its flaws. One such flaw is the pacing of the arcs. Some of the arcs suffer from some pacing issues and are dragged out for way longer than they should be. Oda is way too ambitious with the way he wants to tell some stories, and this can lead to bloating up arcs. In fact, the Dressrossa arc that is 100 chapters long takes place during the course of one day in the One Piece universe. While it is one of my favorite arcs in the series due to the latter half being tightly written with some of the best flashbacks and drama in One Piece, it focused on less engaging plot points for far too long and introduced too many characters. Weirdly enough, this is needed because these slow parts really pay off in big dividends by the end of the story.

Oda’s ambition is his biggest strength and his weakness, he has got too much story to tell but doesn’t pay heed as to whether this information really is relevant or not. Yes, more story might be good but not at the expense of slowing down the story to a grinding halt.

Compared to the intense care and dedication Oda has put into crafting such an intricate and entertaining narrative rife with details and mysteries, an issue such as pacing can only seem minor especially since it’s not that prevalent in the story. Not to mention, upon reread the pacing problems rectify themselves rather easily.

Characters 10/10

One Piece has one of the most loveable main casts out of any series I’ve read. They are well designed, charismatic and have beautifully written, tragic backstories. This writing however is not just reserved for the main cast, every single character introduced have similarly fleshed out tragic backstories that make you feel connected to them emotionally.

Oda’s character writing has only gotten stronger as the series has progressed with him writing some of the most complex villains in the more recent arcs in Doflamingo and Katakuri. What’s even more is that each character is written so differently from the last. Doflamingo is arguably not only a great villain but also an expertly crafted character shown in a mega flashback. His twisted demeanor was so well justified and portrayed in his arc that he was nothing but captivating. Katakuri was crafted in an entirely different way, it really felt like Oda was experimenting with real time character development when writing his character. We knew and understood everything about him during his battle against Luffy, fighting off his insecurities, letting go off his decades old burdens and finally resolving his inner conflict by the end of the fight all without flashbacks. His fight told a beautiful story and it is why Katakuri is already such a beloved character though only being introduced fairly recently.

What differentiates Oda’s characters from most other manga is that they feel believable. Most shounen villains especially feel like they are all perfect godlike beings that can do no wrong. And sure, they might look and act cool, but they don’t feel believable, they feel like blank emotionless beings incapable of nothing more than being the protagonists’ foil. They lack personality, they don’t look like they have a life beyond scheming their evil plans. And this makes them all out to be rather samey and rather uncharismatic. To keep it short, they don’t feel like people.

Oda however, understands that every single person has a life of their own disconnected from the story and are rather apathetic to the protagonists’ development. For example, Doflamingo loves throwing pool parties and loves his women, he also surprisingly cares a lot for his subordinates despite his rather psychopathic tendencies. One such inconsequential detail is that he beats up the boyfriends of his subordinate Baby 5, she tends to fall in love with every man that gives her attention leading her to being taken advantage of countless times.

Similarly Katakuri loves his doughnuts but cannot express that openly due to his compromising features and his overly serious attitude that a lot of his siblings look up to.

Because no one schemes evil plans 24/7, they have a life beyond their relevance in the story. I feel like not enough characters, especially villains are shown in this light, they like chilling too! They like having fun and have their own life to look after.

Everyone has their own adventures just like the strawhats, and not all of them have to be as important as finding the One Piece. Buggy goes on his own adventure to find a stash of gold in a deserted island along with his newly formed allied crewmate Alvida, Kaya is studying to become a doctor, Jimbei goes about searching for a lost sea cat’s parents with the help of a police dog. None of these really matter but they add up, they make the world feel alive and these adventures are quite charming.
There are so many characters that live their own lives even though they’ve long lost their relevance in the story. And it’s honestly heartwarming, seeing these characters grow along with the strawhats. You’re happy with how they’ve ended up, be it by working on their dreams or waiting for the one they love to come back. Some of my favourite moments in the series is when characters react to the strawhats’ bounty and these are characters who we’ve been introduced to and long since moved on from almost 20 years ago. It’s extremely charming and heartwarming seeing these old faces again.

Finally, I’d like to disprove a misused and rather ignorant criticism that seems to be pointed at One Piece far too often. And it’s that One Piece’s characters have no development. This is simply not true. First of all, the story of One Piece takes place over the course of a mere 2 years so you cannot expect rather significant changes in demeanor from the main cast. Secondly, there are a lot of characters that go through their own mini arcs throughout the story regardless.

Usopp’s character arc is one of the most endearing and emotional rides in One Piece. His character arc was beautifully told in 2 story arcs with a beautifully written resolution realizing that he doesn’t need to be as strong as Zoro or as talented as Nami to be an asset to Luffy. What matters is that you try your best if nothing else, because everybody has their moment to shine. This is when he truly came to his own as the sniper of the crew finally letting go of his insecurities of feeling like a burden to the crew and embracing his role. It also helps that he’s arguably Luffy’s closest friend in the crew from what I’ve observed from then on.

Luffy’s arc is perhaps the most elaborate. He started off as an overconfident airhead in the beginning of the story. Beating formidable foes that boosted his ego even more only to finally hit an unforgiving brick wall towards the end of the pre timeskip era making him realise that he’s but an inconsequential pebble that couldn’t save his friends and could not save his brother. The war was a much-needed wake up call for Luffy, leading him to make the decision to train for 2 years before entering the new world.

Robin and Chopper go through similarly elaborate arcs that are just as prominent, with Robin slowly opening up to the crew in later arcs and Chopper becoming a lot less insecure of his looks and becomes far less dependent on the others for help and taking a lot of initiative in certain missions.

Another praiseworthy trait of Oda’s character writing is his ability to create hype characters. Oda has arguably created some of the most exciting and charismatic characters in shounen, the vast world he has crafted has given rise to some legendary characters who by their very nature captivate the reader even if they don’t appear for more than a snippet. Dragon, Shanks, Kaidou and Blackbeard always make me excited whenever they appear in the story. This is because Oda always keeps an air of mystery to them. We don’t know anything about them but the weight they carry in the world and rumours of their feats are proof enough that these are characters of legend, they have a commanding presence and are extremely charismatic whenever the appear on page.

Honestly the characters are all wonderfully crafted with each having their own charm. Some of them have rather whacky backstories but they are told with such sincerity that you can’t help but fall in love with them. There’s such a large variety of characters who all have their own endearing backstories. They’re all loveable, charismatic and only serve to enrich the dense story and intricately built world of One Piece.

Art 10/10

Oda’s art style has come under quite some criticism, it probably turned off quite a few people from reading the story since they look pretty wacky. I’ll admit, I too initially veered away from the series due to its art style. But you’ll soon forget about it due to the captivating story. However, art style is all subjective.

Oda’s art is beautiful, expressive and captures emotions unlike any other manga. The way he draws people crying can pull on anyone’s heart strings. He also crafts such fantastic dream like worlds so effortlessly that they become stick in your minds years later. Sky Island and Whole Cake Island were absolutely amazing to behold and were a fantastic visual treat. The backgrounds are crisply detailed with a very proper sense of geography and he also tends to put a few tidbits of details that become plot relevant hundreds of chapters later. Dressrossa and Wano feel so immersive and grounded and similarly offer a varied visual treat.

There’s nothing to complain about when it comes to Oda’s art, it stands among the best even though it’s a weekly shounen and it only gets better as the years go by with the most recent arc possibly having his greatest work.

Overall 10/10

One Piece is an emotional ride that I cannot help but see through to the end. This is a series that hasn’t once dropped in quality, with its latest arc already introducing one of the most despicable villains in the series and arguably having one of the most emotional moments in the story.

How does Oda do it? How does he keep surpassing himself?

It’s simple… he loves One Piece, more than any of us ever could, more than any of us combined ever could. His undying love for his craft is why he ceaselessly pushes himself through what many consider to be a living hell.

I look forward to seeing how this epic saga will end, this is one of the greatest works of fiction and I believe that when One Piece ends, it will be a classic for generations to come.


One Piece
One Piece
Autor Oda, Eiichiro