One Piece review

Apr 16, 2021
When i think about one piece, only one word comes to my mind, "wow". i started my journey as an otaku only last year and my first anime was naruto. since then i have watched an awful lot of anime. my friends kept suggesting one piece to me but i was always afraid to pick it up because of its sheer length. But when the pandemic started, i thought it was a good time to pick up on one piece and boy am i glad i did.

Story : (10/10)

The story starts off with a simple goal, Monkey D. Luffy wants to be the Pirate King. As the story progresses, we see that the story which started off with one clear goal in mind, starts blooming into so much more. Its not simply a story about how Luffy becomes the Pirate King. The World of One Piece is so big that the Straw Hat Pirates form only a small part of it. So many events take place simultaneously which have no relation to the SH pirates whatsoever. But they eventually go on to connect and give us one of the best arcs in shounen anime ever.
You would think that such a long running series will deteroriate with time but its the exact opposite for one piece. The manga just keeps getting better and better with every chapter. Now 982 chapters down and I still feel the same. Its such an engaging story that once you get serious about one piece, you can literally breeze through the chapters without feeling anything. And like me, once you catch up with it, you keep wanting more and more.

Characters : (10/10)

Oh man, what can i say about the characters in one piece ? Lets start with the SH pirates. Every character on that ship has such a varied personality and deep rooted back sories that its just plain crazy. Not a single character feels out of place. Every character is important and each one of them have their own individual goals aside from making their captain the Pirate King. Its mesmerizing to follow their progress as they get closer and closer to fulfilling their goals. Their interactions with each other will surely have you laughing every time. Aside from the main cast, Oda goes all out in his characters. At certain points, you start feeling sympathy even for the villains in One Piece. The antagonists in one piece are not villains just for the sake of being evil. They each have their own unique ambitions and goals and Oda explains beautifully why they turned out how they turned out. For example, one the greatest antagonists in One Piece had almost 5-6 chapters of backstory.

Art : (10/10)

I admit the art in One Piece is unique, to say the least. I was reluctant at first but when you start getting used to it, you start to realise that its not at all bad. They seem comical at first but that's not at all the case. One Piece made me cry so many times. The emotions that Oda draws out in his characters are just a sight to behold. They are funny when they have to be, sad when necessary and serious when need be. At the very least, the art style is not something that should keep you from reading one piece.

Enjoyment : (10/10)

Do I enjoy One Piece ? Heck yeah ! I love one piece. I have re read so many chapters of past arcs. I have watched the anime as well. I have watched the movies too. But I just can't get enough of One Piece.

Overall : (10/10)

One Piece is a journey, a journey of a lifetime. So just sit back, and enjoy the ride.


One Piece
One Piece
Autor Oda, Eiichiro