Naruto review

Apr 02, 2021
First and foremost, I would like to mention that I first discovered and followed Naruto by watching the anime during my school years. It seemed so different and mature and energetic compared to the usual animes that were being televised in 2003-2004 (Pokemon, Digimon, Escalfowne, Beyblade, etc). And begun the start of my anime dvd collection.

I am not going to lie that I momentarily dropped it once before Shippuden and during Shippuden for at least 2yrs, collectively.
It just lacked the necessary build up that was clearly there but not advanced upon. It became predicable with each filler – they are assigned a mission which involved “A” fights scene that wound dragged to cover multiple episodes that are mainly filled with scenes previously used.

After the war begun being addressed in the manga and the excitement from the readers together with the tensing of the war inbetween fillers in the anime; I stopped with the anime and began the manga (which I do not regret). Yes, at times I did enjoy the fights in the anime but in honesty I can only recall two from the Naruto anime – Rock Lee vs Gaara and the episodes with Haku after years of dedication. And even then, they do not compare to the fun and enjoyment I felt each week from reading the war segment.

With the completion of the manga am very happy it is ended for truly it was way over dragged. Am just pleased that the war segment helped in shutting down the build-up of regret of years of dedication wasted on the anime; bringing forth the ever longed excitement that I had long lost from my childhood. Now I just have to catch up with the anime episodes and hope and pray that they portray the war as shown in the manga.

Storyline – 7
Art work – 5
- Favourites – Rock Lee, Gaara, Orochimaru and Itachi Uchiha
- Less favourite – SAKURA & Sasuke a bit for I feel they played around with his storyline too much, which in-turn belittled his character.
- Naruto himself – 6
Enjoyment – 7
Overall – 8

Ps they should have ended it at the last page of the 699 chapter


Autor Kishimoto, Masashi