Naruto review

Apr 02, 2021

The story is at an alright level. It starts out with some basic humor to capture your attention and keep you reading. The idea of a demon vessel that dreams of one day becoming the village leader. Going through different missions, suffering from a traumatic childhood, betrayal, action, drama, humor, and adventure all thrown in. It sounds decent no, but not really.

Its more episodic in manga form. Parts of the story (side stories) were unnessacary, and took away from the main story. But it still manage to capture some interest so I continued. A little bit over after Naruto had turned older and went after Gaara, it started to loose its edge. Until finally it just became complete migrane to me, a few times I had to stop reading and force myself back into it. Sure the idea is good but the development of it just looses itself after awhile.

The art now. I have to say the mangaka's art was actually quite descent and fair to the story. It should fantastic detailing, a few that may need to be improved but good none the less. The scenary was alright in a beautiful way, though the character's images, sometimes it seemed they seemed a bit crossed eyed, marks a tad bit slanted, etc. But their bodies were actually good. I wouldn't put too much into the character as the background though. The backround though beautiful in its own right, didn't seemed as focused on as the character's were. Wether the mangaka wanted you to pay more attention to the characters rather then the background, I do not know. But I have to say it could do with a few minor improvements.

Now time for the characters. I already complaned about the art, now their development. I have to say it wasn't as good as I would have hoped it to be. I found the character's development a bit jagged, boring, and poorly done once again. Half the time I zoned out in what they were saying while reading, okay a long story telled past becoming boring when a character tells it, not good at all.

If it isn't the story, characters, or art for me, then it is the plan humor in it. Though I found it a bit unlogic at times, the humor was great and provided me with a good few laughs. So my enjoyment of it was quite high over the others.

Overall I would have to give it a six. The story may loose its edge farther along, lacking logic, and poorly written. But its fair to say it can proved good enjoyment occationly.


Autor Kishimoto, Masashi