ib: Instant Bullet review

Apr 04, 2021

Instant Bullet showcases something that most people can't understand; humanity is a horrible mess. Humans are selfish, sapient beings. Understanding one another is impossible as different beings. I like this manga, but you can't understand how much I like it.

So here's the problem: the majority rules the planet. If the laws and norms don't suit your tastes, well you're out of luck. The characters in this manga are victims of this atrocity, and I really mean atrocity; the laws and norms in our world are horrible (the manga's world largely mirrors our own).

I won't use examples from the manga so I'll use equivalents to show just how horrible the world is. I hate racism. Laws across the globe protect racism. Racists have rights; if you kill someone for being racist you will be punished. Racism exists because there are racist people. Racism is not something people decide; it's part of the genetic code/makeup of human beings. In the same way you don't consciously decide what flavors of food you like, you don't consciously decide whether or not you are racist. Humans and their personalities are nature, not nurture.

What's the solution? Well one of them is wiping out humanity, as you can see in the synopsis. This is extremely appealing to antinatalists such as myself. However... this manga really botched that with the ending. The ending would've been much better had they wiped out humanity or gone with another solution. Other solutions would be putting all desirables in a location completely separate from undesirables, such as another planet or eliminating only the undesirables. However, these seem much less feasible than just wiping out humanity with the characters' limitations.

Instant Bullet shows the problems with unregulated procreation. You can have a world where antinatalists and pronatalists both exist... what a disaster. Instant Bullet is also great in how it doesn't do that garbage where delusional optimists gush about how life will get better by living, regardless of who you are. The reality is that the world is trash for some people and will never get better. Can you understand how evil things like procreation, religion, marriage, family values, etc. are?

I gave Instant Bullet a 10 despite its imperfections because the vast majority of manga don't care about real problems and just gloss over them. Not everyone fits into a disgusting society, and if you understand that then you might like Instant Bullet.



ib: Instant Bullet
ib: Instant Bullet
Autor Akasaka, Aka