Hadashi de Bara wo Fume review

Apr 04, 2021
"Hadashi de Bara wo Fume" is like fast-food: Easy, comforting tropes; but very, very toxic with unhealthy character patterns. Think normalized rape, abuse, gambling, and almost very nearly incest - all wrapped tidy and pretty within a sugar-coated fairytale.

The plot contained interesting elements - particularly the antagonist's psychosis which could have created an amazing psychological thriller (like Light from Death Note's psychopathy). It could have completely subverted the syrupy shoujo genre, except the author was superficially focused on what she liked best: fashion and faces (literally, the characters have great faces but awkwardly proportioned bodies).

It's an alright manga for some PG love - lots of kissing, chaste sleeping at night, occasional kisses, no sex until attempted rape occurs (lol). I can see why this manga would appeal to the worst of tween fantasies.

10/10 to stay away from. Buyers beware.


Hadashi de Bara wo Fume
Hadashi de Bara wo Fume
Autor Ueda, Rinko