Apr 06, 2021
tl;dr: A manga that starts out with an interesting plot and relationship development only to throw it all away without resolving anything to turn into a manga that's really different, far more generic, and significantly worse.

This manga is pretty good at first. The core mystery about a girl being stuck as permanently asleep with various references to fairy tales with princesses sleeping was interesting. The rate of development of this mystery was slow but it did move along well enough and there were various events outside that felt substantial enough to keep the pacing feeling solid. These various events did a good job of developing characters relationships, particularly the love triangle that serves as the other core element of the story. Both heroines are well developed and get decent relationship development, and though there are certainly elements of denseness to the protagonist, it leans more towards him struggling to understand his own feelings which is sympathizable and not as annoying.

However, all of that gets thrown away pretty abruptly about two third of the way in. There are mangas that go through pretty big transitions with varying levels of success, but this has to be one of the worst I've seen so far. It pretty much throws away everything from the first two thirds, with essentially none of it being explained and just suddenly resolved, and none of the characters seeming to care all that much. Even worse, it also feels like it throws away all the relationship development that occurred as well. Characters actions in the last third not considering the first two thirds are still somewhat random, but taking into account what occurred in the first two thirds they're incredibly inconsistent and simply don't make sense. The disconnect is extreme.

Furthermore, the last third is pretty terrible. There's no overarching plot anymore, so it's focusing solely on its characters. All three of the main characters are just kind of annoying at this point, adopting the worst traits of characters in such roles in the genre. It also randomly adds characters and plot events that are interesting enough on their own, but don't fit the narrative at all. It isn't clear at all where the manga is going or at all until the end which is awful. The ending in a broad sense is one that's pretty much what was expected from the beginning, but the way it's told is awful and not what the manga needed at all. It's trying for the standard bait and switch in order to bring out stronger emotions for when things get reversed, but the build up to it wasn't nearly enough to warrant it, and it felt overtly melodramatic, and actually left me kind of bitter as the reversal into good doesn't feel anywhere near strong enough to counter out the bad.

The art is pretty decent in quality throughout. It felt like the artist was trying harder to have panels that were eye catching during the first three quarters or so, but stopped putting as much effort in the last quarter.


Autor Hamada Kosuke
Artista Hamada Kosuke