Mahou Tsukai Kurohime review

Apr 03, 2021
This story starts off beautifully with characters and a way of fighting that one can truly fall in love with. It rises into a beautiful crescendo of love and self sacrifice and comes into one of the most heartbreaking scenes one can imagine. -_- Then it goes on for another 65 chapters and all the beautiful scenes and character development gets sh** on. It turns into such a pathetic piece of crap that it makes you wish you hadn't read it at all because the characters you cared for so much are (figuratively) trampled to death. Wanna enjoy this manga? Please for your own sake stop reading at chapter 15. If you don't you'll regret it. Iv'e done all I can.


Mahou Tsukai Kurohime
Mahou Tsukai Kurohime
Autor Katakura, Masanori