Made in Abyss review

Apr 15, 2021
‘Made in Abyss’ is one of the few cases in which I consider that the anime is better than the manga. The visual and musical beauty that this anime has is not reached by the manga (about the music it is understood).

MiA's premise is fantastic, a simple story, a good idea that promises an exciting journey into the depths of the abyss, somewhat reminiscent of a rpg. The problem, as so often happens, is that after a short time it tries to complicate the plot in an absurd way, to make it convoluted, believing that this would give it a greater complexity and depth, but it's harder to create something simple but great in every aspect than something big that doesn't excell in anything as this manga does right now.

From chapter 40 to 52 (the last chapter so far) this only goes about drama moments, attempts to create shock with gory scenes, the creation of a mythology full of characters that do not contribute anything at the moment to the story and scenes to show naked children. A pity, it had very good manners, but if 'Made in Abyss' continues like this it will become nothing, just another conventional manga.


Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Autor Tsukushi, Akihito