Mad Chimera World review

Apr 11, 2021
This is a must read. Not because it's the greatest story ever told or anything like that, but it is simply fascinating. At times it feels like a generic shounen and then at other times it's like going down a deviant art rabbit hole and reading someone turn their bizarre fetish into an epic adventure. On top of this, it's written by Masashi Kishimoto's lesser known twin brother, and I can't help but feel that Masashi really doesn't want any association with a manga like this and yet is forced to.

All of that aside, there was a lot of genuine potential here, if it wasn't axed something really great could have happened. But, the journey is still worth taking. It also has a very unpredictable ending which is maybe a plus??


Mad Chimera World
Mad Chimera World
Autor Kishimoto, Seishi