JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 8: JoJolion review

Apr 01, 2021
Now in 2011 Japan, right after the infamous earthquake, we find a mysterious character buried in mysterious hills... When this review was written, 94 chapters were out.

Story: A modern setting with some fictional twists make it interesting to begin. Then a lot of mystery makes this thriller an amazing experience. I'm really enjoying the writing in this part, it's potentially one of my favorite pieces of media out there: Interesting fights, multiple perspectives, mystery to the point that there's no known villain...

Art: What can I say, I love Araki's style. His character and Stand designs consistently show great creativity and skill.

Characters: The number of characters involved in the current arc, all the development they went through and the fact that no one knows the goals of the others makes this an exciting, thrilling story.

Overall enjoyment: The only negative factor is that there's a whole month between releases. Everything else is just perfect. The pacing may feel slow to some, but I love it.
