JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 7: Steel Ball Run review

Apr 16, 2021
Wow, it really is as good as everyone says.
Kinda hate to be a conformist but yes, it's simply amazing.

One for the ages. Even if JoJo parts 1-6 were utter trash (they arn't, they're really good as well) it would be worth reading all of them just to read this one.

You might be out here looking a the top rated manga of all time on MAL and wondering why part 7 of a series is #2 but I assure you, it deserves its placement.

Easily the most interesting story in JoJo with an incredible setting and art. The action very well drawn with the best panel work of the author yet. Each scenario that plays out feels like the characters are dripping with intrigue and motivations that make every conflict read like it's own self contained manga. You get all this for the low low price of 96 very good length chapters.
