I Am a Hero review

Apr 03, 2021
I've started reading this series because photorealism mixed with surrealistic themes was intriguing and it all started at the pinnacle of zombie apocalypse love which was around 2009.

So the core story is pretty basic, an unlikely hero survives first days of zombie apocalypse outbreak in Tokyo and travels around deciding what to do next. On his path Hideo Suzuki uses his shotgun to kill some walking dead and while fighting his inner demons, pushes onwards as the survival instinct kicks in.

Been reading it since day one. Since the beginning it seemed interesting but along the, sometimes, tediously slow pacing, odd action shifting from one city or even continent to another, to wrap up a story which in the end looks like it tries to deliver some deep message, but in the end it's all about violence and sex. After few chapters characters, even with most odd quirks, seem flat, amount of deus ex and other tropes break the tension and amount of literally copied and pasted images or poorly drawn characters over photos filtered to look like drawings, while covered with sudden walls of text just annoy too much.

Series got it highs and lows and latter grow progressively as the series lean towards end.

All in all, it fails somewhere. Loses its charm and looks like author had too much fun trying to do very long series which, at some point had been flagged to either end soon or end axed thus leaving reader with very lazy, "feel good" ending which doesn't really feel that great.
Still, if you liked series like High School of the Dead or The Walking Dead but wanted more realistic approach this might be what you were looking.


I Am a Hero
I Am a Hero
Autor Hanazawa, Kengo