Remote review

Apr 05, 2021
Well... The last review for this was a long time ago, but I'm writing a review anyway.
This is manga is awesome in its mystery sense ( as people noted) but they seemed to have a problem with character development and (if you've read read it) the mc personality in general. Which is understandable, however... I don't fully understand the complaints. She begins working as a meter maid, and unexpectedly gets thrown into danger ( an excessive amount of it too ). Not everyone can be cool, calm, and collected while facing a blood painted clown. Though I say this, I do understand the fact that the mc is a whiner of sorts, but not exclusively bad ( can't really say that about a lot of manga )
Moving onto Himuro... his character really got me. ( that doesn't make this review biased... *cough* moving on! ) he had a STORY. I think thats what I really loved... He developed, in a good way, and things played out in the end.
TBH, I got this series on sale, not knowing what to expect, but I certainly wasn't disappointed. :)


Autor Kibayashi, Shin