Juujika no Rokunin review

Apr 05, 2021
rating 8/10

This manga is very 2 sided. You can either love it or hate it. Personally, I love it. When it comes down to storytelling and plot. It is good although not the best. What really stands out to me is the art. As a fellow mangaka myself, I do have to say that the art for this manga is pretty top-notch and as for the character developments; it really has only been 26 chapters currently so I wouldn't say too much because if we look at AOT which is one of the best manga (in my opinion) the beginning had a pretty rough start though it was all connected and led to another path to one another. I would give story development an 8/10 so far, a 10/10 for the art, and no opinion on the characters but if I were to give a direct answer as of right now; maybe 7/10 so that's that. In total, I give this manga an 8/10 as the current standing.

Again I want to say that this manga may not be for certain people (gory and torture) but then again... who cares lol people have their own opinions and if you hate this manga, why bother coming here. Honestly, I can understand opinions but I can't understand hate, if you hate then just don't pay attention to it. It's that simple. Nobody wants to read a 2 full-page review on why the manga is bad rather they would read a review on why the manga is good and why you should read it. That's it 8/10 for me :)


Juujika no Rokunin
Juujika no Rokunin
Autor Nakatake, Shiryuu