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Apr 03, 2021
Kanojo, Okarishimasu review
My first time doing the after watching anime and read the manga thing.

Boy is the manga good, but, its only good after the "The 3rd Rental is the 1st's Junior" Arc.


See here now up and until the introduction of Sumi, id give the story a 4/10 because to be honest its your typical college shy boy with pretty girl yada yada..
But , after the birthday arc, and even the confessions chapters, it all changes. I have to say these chapters and arcs are some of the best i have read in a long long time . They definitely get a 10/10 in SoLs and romances, every thing is perfect the pacing, emotion and even the fact that we see the MC, Kazuya, acting all serious. AND NOT SIMPING.
It is really heartwarming to watch the two and of course Ruka is well Ruka and it is annoying to watch but she's a much needed "refreshment".I don't remember seeing a lot of Mami tho so yeah thats that...
But in all seriousness it is a must read for the people who read anything other than Naruto and DBZ manga.

The art is absolutely fantastic their faces are very original and different they arent your typical art and even the stills are drawn fantastically. No complains here whatsoever

Yeah dude its very obvious that Kazuya is a simp. Ruka is little too annoying, and Mami should pose more of a problem as the main "antagonist". More importantly Chizuru also starts becoming a thick headed woman, and Kazyua is even more afraid to confess.But these aspects, ironically, actually help the story in my opinion.

You can watch the anime(12eps) to get to chapter50 of the manga. But the manga is better so id recommend that.
Anywhoo This manga does become enjoyable after a point that is, i would really recommend you to read it, yeah its a bumpy start but it gets very good later on. Also it has 157 chapters (as of 26th sept 2020) so it will keep you hooked for a long time.
Those who aren't SoL and romance readers and just read the first 20 chapters, dissed about this manga on social media and gave a one star rating, please do give this manga another try. It is definitely worth you time.

Apr 03, 2021
Kanojo, Okarishimasu review
I've a fondness for stories staged in university. They allow for a more proactive protagonist, a character with a bit more wit and charm that can better explore the space. It opens avenues for more genuine character growth while exploring a setting many associate with evolution and anxiety. It's a chance for an author to write in their own struggles and entrance the reader with drama and tension.

Kanojo, Okarishimasu does none of this. The opening I will admit is fairly strong. Your typical nervous freshman self insert is trying to get a leg up in the world by furthering his education. He's new and alone to a world he's unprepared for. It hints at a story of growth and self actualization. But is a bad tell of the actual narrative being woven.

This work is exactly what you don't want it to be, an drawn out melodrama between the two main characters. Kazuya: a spaghetti monster poorly disguising himself as human. Who spends his free time lusting after girls who have turned him down, while blowing his parents money.

I'm not sure if you are suppose to relate to him. The author must genuinely believes he has some relatable quality, I've just no idea what it is. His plights are all self inflicted draaaaaaaaaawn out misunderstandings at best, and legitimately aneurysm inducing destructive judgements at worst. It's gotten so bad in the chapters that the author has to make other characters infuriatingly stupid to bend around our protagonists idiotic bumbling.

The other main character/ love interest is Chizuru, a well drawn but poorly written upperclassman. She's wears two masks: one for her work as a soft core escort, and her more serious one for dealing with classes and idiots like Kazuya. Did I mention he stalks her? He does, to a very disturbing degree. Which I can't figure out why. As shes actively rejects him. Her only interesting quality is her ability to disguise herself by changing her makeup and/or hairstyle. And yes, this ability is played as a straight deception. Thus displaying the level of reasoning/critical thinking/intellect the cast in the show has – None.

At this point I'm not even reading it for the story. Why would I? The author doesn't care, why should I. I'm reading for the hopes of a tragic ending.

The panels read adequately well, and the dialogues is passable. The art is average usually, but sometimes dips lower for unexplained reasons.

I'd recommend skipping this series, it's not worth the time spent on it.
Apr 03, 2021
Kanojo, Okarishimasu review
Hello, fellow users of MAL, this may very well be my first and last written review ever on any platform ever. Though this review will not be like the rest or what you are regularly used to reading or seeking but as someone who enjoys this manga, I still wanted to share my thoughts on this manga. So without further ado, lets get in.

The story: (not up to date)

It is something I've never even thought about or had heard of in both worlds of manga or reality. The idea of a rental girlfriend has never crossed my mind and I feel the way that the author presents is quite beautiful. From the fantasy of wanting/having a cute wholesome girlfriend to facing possible outcomes in the real world of lying to your friends and family, is truly breathtaking and heart-racing to the point where you'll never stop reading and keep wanting to read more and haven't noticed you've been holding in your breath until minutes have gone by.


Now I probably won't be the first to mention this but, the author does a good job making you feel, understand, and sympathize with not only the dilemmas the character face but the characters themselves. The reason why these characters are so good is because we can at least relate to one of them in at least one way or another. Whether it be experiencing love, going through a break-up, trying to find new love, not wanting to lose more than you already have, keeping a strong front when you hurting, etc. Having experienced at least one of these and watching the character go through it truly brings you to like the character that much more or at least see them in a new perspective.


I don't have much to say other then its cute and clean and also VERY VERY VERY interesting...

Final Thoughts:

This is truly a joyful and wonderful read. After having read one of the chapter, I thought I would get goosebumps of how good it was but I didn't. What I got in return was warmth that I felt in my heart. It's been so long since I've felt and heard my own heartbeat so loud out of enjoyment. With that being said, I hope that you all take this review not simply as one that just lists out all the pros and cons but one that convinces you to give it a chance and read it.

TLDR: Good manga relatable MUST READ
Apr 03, 2021
Kanojo, Okarishimasu review
This review is based on all 36 available RAW chapters at this time.

It is very easy to dismiss the show based on the earliest chapters, especially if you generally don't like the romantic comedy genre in the first place. The characters can be annoying, the lead MC seems like an indecisive whiny jerk, the humor is a bit hit-and-miss... so why would you read this?

In a nutshell: Because the setting (rental girlfriend) is fresh and original, and the storyline is built on bit by bit in a very logical way. The implications of what it actually means to gradually fall in love with a _rental_ girlfriend (hints: it is extra hard on the MC) are developed with great sensitivity and care, in a way that makes sense. As you will see, the show will develop a significant drama element which is generally missing in this genre. Also, developments are permanent - it's not "issue of the week", and then the reset button slapped so that nothing really changes.

+ If you're looking for a romance story with gradual, permanent developments, in a fairly original setting, this is for you.
+ If you're looking for a show with great art (Mizuhara is nothing short of stunning), this is for you.
+ If you enjoy strong-headed characters bickering, compromising and in the end cooperating, this is for you
- If you hate embarrassing situations (like me), you need a tolerance for pain.
- If you're the impatient type or dislike the romcom genre, stay away.
- If you're looking for the next Nisekoi or To-Love-Ru, stay away.

It sure gets my recommendation, and I didn't ever expect to give it when I started reading.
Apr 03, 2021
Kanojo, Okarishimasu review
Ahhhh Yes, the infamous "Kanojo, Okarishimasu" otherwise known as "Rent A Girlfriend" like many others my first introduction to the series was via the anime that came out in the Summer of 2020, i had become impatient and decided to read the manga after the third episode, at the time I was rather satisfied with my commitment, all though it took a day from me, it was still an enjoyable read worthy of a 6 or 7 our of 10. I'm writing this review because my initial thoughts have changed drastically due to recent chapters, I simply cannot recommend "Rent A Girlfriend" Without spoiling recent events to much, recent chapters have deteriorated this trashy romcom, with some genuinely likeable characters, to a romcom where the author slaps your nuts at the end of each chapter, I want you to imagine this, You're having sex with the most attractive person in the world and right before you're about to climax, they whisper to you "Sword Art Online" which may not seem like a massive turn off to people who gave this manga a higher score then 7, but to anyone with at least 7 braincells, it would instantly degrade their genitalia, had a penis? now its a vagina. had a vagina? now its a gaping dragon from dark souls. its became very apparent that the author has run out of ideas and is trying to keep the series running as long as it can, now I don't think this way because the series has become a massive cash cow, I think this way because the series has become so popular, letting the series end before even half of it has been adapted into an anime kind of leaves everyone with a limp hype dick. the true problem is that they have dropped all of the somewhat interesting characters right on their asses, Mami a genuinely scary threat to the series that added actual risk to the environment was randomly abandoned with no context whatsoever, she made a minor return in the recent chapter but I have a strong feeling that she's is going to get a half-assed ending along with all the other side characters that are actually likeable... now Kazuya OH BOY WOOHIEEEE, I can go on and on about this orange haired fuck, but I need to water it down for the people who think this manga is actually good, you see whilst the anime was airing and everyone was jumping on the "Kazuya Hate Train" as i like to call it, I was one of those people who were on the "Kazuya Defense Squad" KDS for short I was one of those people who would argue that he was a likeable guy and had actual realistic traits to his character, as you may imagine I have entirely redacted this statement all the development that people will see in season 2 will be entirely redacted when these newest chapters get adapted, I now questioning myself if even developed at all? I truly can't remember... also Chizuru isn't cute Ruka gang for life...

After 176 chapters I must say this has truly degraded to a trashy mess, I cant recommend you investing so much time for such an average series, Sadly it will still continue to be popular due to the massive incels that have recently gotten into anime over quarantine, Im going to end up finishing the manga, but only because I've already sunk so much time into it,

I'm going to leave a brief overview of the elements used in the manga along with how I'd rate them

Story 3/10
Similar to many other romcom's "Rent A Girlfriend" doesn't have much substance to its story, and certainty isn't original there is a few plot lines that are enjoyable but are certainly not worth reading 100 chapters over.

Art 7/10
Miyajima, Reiji may be a bad writer but he certainly knows how to draw, the art is sometime borderline gorgeous, Miyajima, Reiji can also handle facial expressions very well this can lead to some great comedic events or some rather cringe fested ones.

Characters 4/10
as of recent chapters I have had to redact points especially from the Characters aspect, I'm left questioning myself if the main characters have even developed at all, and all of the characters that actually made the manga enjoyable for me have completely disappeared without an explanation as to why.

Enjoyment 6/10
I love trashy shows/manga I truly do, I hate trashy manga that are trying to play up as good manga, I wish i could rate this lower but then i think back to when i had caught up on the manga in 1 whole day, and how I would jump out of my bed and start hitting my head against the wall every time I saw Mami appear, If only it was still like that...

Overall 5/10
I don't sense a drastic change in rating depending on the ending, if something indeed crazy happens, I'd be glad to discuss it with you. If any of you took offense of anything i may have said in this review i apologize as i added these little jokes for comedic event in this review
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Autor Miyajima, Reiji
Artista --